Saturday, 6 April 2013

Amendment of Tres Amigos Contract from $4 million to $14 million

Amenda kontratu nee asina husi PM Xanana iha fulan Maio 2008 nia laran. Amenda ba numeru kontratu RDTL- 81586 nebe kontratu inisial total osan hamutuk $4,080.00.00 atu sosa fos toneladas 8000 ba $14,400.000.00 atu sosa fos hamutuk 16000 toneladas. Amenda kontratu nee halo molok kompanhia Tres Amigos kumpri kontratu inisial no molok Parlamentu Nasional Timor aprova Orsamentu Jeral Estado Rektifikativu 2008. 

The amended contract was signed by PM Xanana in the month of May 2008. Amendment of RDTL contract no. 81586 which was initially for a total amount of $4,080,000.00 to buy 8000 tons of rice was amended to $14,000,000.00 to buy total of 16,000 tons. This contract amendment was made before Tres Amigos Company adhered to the initial contract and before the National Parliament of Timor-Leste approved the Rectified State General Budget 2008. 

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