PM Xanana Gusmao em nome Governu TL assina kontratu dala uluk ho Kompanhia hanaran Trés Amigos iha loron 29 Fevereiro 2011, molok Parlamento Nasional Timor nian aprova Orsamentu Jeral Rektifikatifu iha tinan 2008. Valor kontratu nebe PM Xanana asina ho Germano da Silva nudar Direktor Kompnhia Tres Amigos ho valor kontratu hamutuk $4,080,000.00 atu sosa fos ho toneladas hamutuk 8000 no folin tonelada ida $510.00. Iha loron 14 Maio 2008 PM Xanana autoriza amenda kontratu husi total nebe asina iha loron 29 Fevereiro 2008 ba $14,400,000.00 atu sosa fos ho folin $900.00 toneladas ida. Kontratu inisial ho kontratu amenda esplika iha dokumentus hirak iha kraik hatuda katak PM Xanana iha tinan 2008 wainhira asina kontratu ho Kompanhia Tres Amigos, Parlamentu Nasional sedauk aprova OJE Rektifikativu 2008, signifika PM Xanana hakat liu Parlmaentu Nacional no komete osan Povo TL nian latuir regra aprovisionamentu nebe aplika iha tempu neba.
PM Xanana Gusmao in the name of Government of Timor-Leste signed first contract with company named Tres Amigos on 29 February 2011, before the National Parliament of Timor-Leste approved the Rectified State General Budget in the year of 2008. The value of the contract that PM Xanana signed with Germano da Silva, Director of Tres Amigos Company with contract value of $4,080,000.00 to buy total of 8000 tons of rice at a price of $510.00 per ton. On 14 May 2008 PM Xanana authorised a contractamendment that was signed on 29 February to amend the total to $14,400,000.00 to buy rice at price of $900.00 per ton. The initial contract and amended contract in the documents below show that PM Xanana in 2008, when signing a contract with Tres Amigos Company which was before the Rectified 2008 State General Budget was approved, went over the National Parliament and committed the People of Timor-Leste’s money without following procurment and tender regulations that were applied at that time.
Germano Da Silva - Tres Amigo |
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