PM Xanana hahu fahe projetus fos ba nia belun emprezarius sira hahu iha 29 Janeiru 2008 wainhira PM Xanana hasoru malu ho emprazarius sira atu koalia kona ba krize aihan iha TL. Iha 29 Fevereiro 2009 PM Xanana asina kontratu dala uluk ho Kompanhia Tres Amigos. Dokumentu hirak iha kraik sai hanesan faktus ba publiku Timor Leste. Hafoin enkontru ne'e Governu TL iha lideransa PM Xanana Gusmao gasta $83,783,150.00 hodi sosa fos hamutuk toneladas 141,925
PM Xanana started giving out rice projects to his business friends starting from 29 January 2008 when PM Xanana met with businesses to talk about the food crisis in Timor-Leste. On 29 February PM Xanana signed first contract with Tres Amigos Company. The following documents show the facts to the public of Timor-Leste. After this meeting the TL Government under PM Xanana Gusmao’s leadership spent $83,783,150.00 to buy total of 141,925 tons of rice.
Ajudikasaun Sira née kontra lei a provisionamentu? Tenki analiza didiak natureza husi fronesementu ! Se lae hatudu liman mamuk.